If you’ve tried every self-help blog on the internet to stop comfort eating and still find yourself getting cosy with a family bag of Doritos in the evening then this …
3 nutrients to help your teenager with low mood
Teenagers are particularly prone to mood swings and low mood. It’s not just the external pressures that affect them but internal ones too. Correcting nutrient status and biochemistry can help …
Using Organic Acid Testing to identify influences on anxiety.
An Organic Acid Test (OAT) measures by-products of cellular metabolism in a urine sample. These metabolites give us an insight into different processes in our body. These metabolites can give us …
10 signs of zinc deficiency.
Treating a zinc deficiency. The key to rectifying a zinc deficiency is to ensure that digestion is optimal. Without good digestion, you will not absorb the zinc in your foods …