Mental Health Functional Lab Testing Bundle



This is our recommended bundle of functional tests to help clients with mental health issues. All tests use samples that can be collected easily. They either require urine or a dried blood spot sample. Full blood draws are not required. These tests can be completed in the comfort of your own home and then sent to the labs for analysis.

Urine kryptopyrroles testing to identify pyroluria an often overlooked factor in depression, anxiety, addictions and eating disorders.

An Organic Acid Test measures metabolites that give us an overview of gut health, mitochondrial health, oxidative stress, B vitamins, oxalates, dopamine and serotonin production too. This test also measures methylmalonic acid which indicates how much B12 is being utilised by your body – a more useful indicator of B12 levels which can be an important factor in mental wellbeing.

This bundle includes dried bloodspot tests for essential fats and vitamin D. We know that these nutrients can affect mental well-being and that, in these cases, specific ratios and measurements are important. These tests allow for targeted dietary and supplement measures.

We have also included a premium food intolerance test in this bundle. This looks for IgG reactions to 200 food and drinks. Identifying if your body is reacting to specific foods can help improve absorption and lower inflammation; both key elements for improving mental health.

You can also book a consultation when your results are back to help you understand them and to devise a personalised nutrition programme based on them.

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