It’s not something people talk about much, if at all, but our stools can tell us a lot about our health. If you flush the toilet and never look back …

For optimal physical and mental health
For optimal physical and mental health
It’s not something people talk about much, if at all, but our stools can tell us a lot about our health. If you flush the toilet and never look back …
This case study shows how important nutrition can be in the management of anxiety. Kate struggled with acute anxiety for at least ten years. She recalls being anxious as a …
Constipation. Severe constipation is one of the main reasons parents attend with their child. The likelihood of ending up in A and E with bowel trouble is even higher if …
The most common problem clients mention in my nutrition clinic is feeling ‘tired all the time’. GP’s hear it too. Beyond running a full blood test to look for possible causes …
An Organic Acid Test (OAT) measures by-products of cellular metabolism in a urine sample. These metabolites give us an insight into different processes in our body. These metabolites can give us …