Menopause is a natural shift in a woman’s life, but sometimes the significant hormonal changes have a huge impact on health and well-being. While hot flashes and sleep disturbances are …

For optimal physical and mental health
For optimal physical and mental health
Menopause is a natural shift in a woman’s life, but sometimes the significant hormonal changes have a huge impact on health and well-being. While hot flashes and sleep disturbances are …
Thyroid dysfunction can have a strong impact on both the body and the brain. Thyroid hormones play a critical role in brain function, and imbalances can lead to significant changes …
Amino acid therapy uses the power of specific individual amino acids, the building blocks of protein, to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Amino acids play important roles in making …
Teenagers are particularly prone to mood swings and low mood. It’s not just the external pressures that affect them but internal ones too. Correcting nutrient status and biochemistry can help …
Supporting your mood with the right diet is easier than you think. Here are 10 tips to get you started … Avoid foods that play havoc with your blood sugar …
It is only within the last five years that we have started to understand just how important vitamin D is for preventing and treating chronic diseases. Vitamin D is actually …
Low levels of vitamin D is the main driver behind the development of SAD. We get very little vitamin D from food, sunlight is our main source. Vitamin D is …
Treating a zinc deficiency. The key to rectifying a zinc deficiency is to ensure that digestion is optimal. Without good digestion, you will not absorb the zinc in your foods …
Physiological factors can affect the way we think and feel. Mental health issues can have a physical cause. Of course, there are life circumstances that can lead to depression but what …
Low thyroid function occurs when the thyroid doesn’t make adequate amounts of hormones. This affects the body in many different ways resulting in a number of signs. How many apply …