If you’ve tried every self-help blog on the internet to stop comfort eating and still find yourself getting cosy with a family bag of Doritos in the evening then this …
3 nutrients to help your teenager with low mood
Teenagers are particularly prone to mood swings and low mood. It’s not just the external pressures that affect them but internal ones too. Correcting nutrient status and biochemistry can help …
10 steps to a happy mood using food.
Supporting your mood with the right diet is easier than you think. Here are 10 tips to get you started … Avoid foods that play havoc with your blood sugar …
The link between vitamin D, obesity and depression.
It is only within the last five years that we have started to understand just how important vitamin D is for preventing and treating chronic diseases. Vitamin D is actually …
The main cause cause of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Low levels of vitamin D is the main driver behind the development of SAD. We get very little vitamin D from food, sunlight is our main source. Vitamin D is …
Why does heartburn or GERD get worse in winter?
As the darker days draw in some people find their symptoms of GERD and acid reflux worsen. If this happens to you it is worth finding out if you have …
Supporting post-viral recovery.
Long Covid and post Covid nutrition support. A growing number of people are reporting ongoing symptoms after the acute phase of Covid-19. Post-viral recovery for many seems slow and ongoing. …
Functional tests to identify the cause of chronic depression.
Physiological factors can affect the way we think and feel. Mental health issues can have a physical cause. Of course, there are life circumstances that can lead to depression but what …
Nutritional psychiatry: Teen mental health post-pandemic
The pandemic has affected the mental well-being of many teens. Anxiety and disconnection are prevalent; with over a quarter of teenagers reporting that they felt anxious or on edge most …
Vitamin D, depression and obesity.
It is only within the last five years that we have started to understand just how important vitamin D is for preventing and treating chronic diseases. Vitamin D is actually …